2021年7月24日 星期六

pixel 3a navigation button die

 I found sometimes my pixel 3a's navigation buttons die, sometimes include lower part of the keyboard, which is really annoying, make me can't go back to last page / home or typing.

Recently I found out it's cause by high temperature (but not extremely high, hence I'm still holding it by my hand), putting a usb fan behind it could release the situation.

pixel 3a 的鍵盤下半部(導航鍵與鍵盤下半部,包含倒退鍵) 有時候會失去作用或變得很遲鈍,最近發現是溫度造成的,將風扇在手機背面,一切就會復原了。但其實也不是多高溫,因為還能用手拿著..

