所以研究了一些關於rope management的東東整理在這裡。
- 先丟繩中
- 把繩尾弄成一綑"Toepedo" 在風大的時候可以避免繩子被亂吹
- Saddle Bag 把繩子兩邊分別整理好(一樣是下面常上面短),掛在腰邊垂降,避免繩子被亂吹或打到下面的人
taking-in 收繩中
it's me
Your coils should start at your harness and move one by one toward your anchor
If your partner is leading the next pitch…Make the first loops the longest, so the shorter coils will be on top.
If the weather is calm always go for a decreasing loop stack.
place yourself on the opposite side from where your partner will be leading off from. If I position myself on the left that means I will stack the rope on my right side (or lap coil) and my partner will arrive at my right side and exit from my right side as well.
When I arrive at the belay I expect that my partner has racked all the remaining gear on his climbing rope that is clove hitched to the anchor (see picture) or on a single sling (see picture) in ascending or descending order,