2013年3月18日 星期一

what should i do now?

as a firing (dying) man, what should i do during my office time?
it's intresting, just like what should a dying man do during his living time. The worse thing is i'm just a rookie now, i can do nothing than studying. but i still want to learn somthing from my first job, but it seems to be not possible.
or, should i just going on facebook, writing the blogger for months (it should be 3 month left), what is meanful? the section manager told us to pretent that we no nothing about leaving before everything is clear (before we are sure to be fired) but few days before, we signed the agreement if leaving (because we are研發替代役, it's not so eazy for us to leave) i'm not able to pretent nothing happened anymore.
manbe i should read some good books, maybe i should try to understand the code i got, maybe i should try my best to take some interviews (hope i can get some experience from them). leaving is a common end, but it comes too fast ( it usually comes too fast)

